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I want it all!!No more side chick!

If you are not familiar with the term "side chick", let me explain, a side chick is defined as- the mistress, the female that is neither the wife or girlfriend but continues to have relations with the male while he's in another relationship. Not only has this position become common but also is acceptable and often preferred. Most males go to the side chick for sex or to obtain what he doesn't from his other realtionship which could include but is not limited to, cash, transportation, housing, or similar interest. For the female that holds the title "side chick, most often she prefers this position because she doesn't have to deal with all that comes with being in a steady relationship with the male. However, some side chicks don't like their positions, but stay so they can remain in the postion of having access to the male, and then there are those side chicks who simply get a kick or thrill out of sleeping or being with someone else's man. One fact about being a side chick is you are not a preference, you're more of an option and that you will always be. If you like that position, then I surely cannot convince you to budge from it, so stay...but be warned, some women will hurt you when they find out you exist wether they are right in doing so or not! I want to talk to the side chick who is tired of not being seen in public with the male, not being introduced to special friends or family and never included during holidays. You my dear must first accept the fact that your position is not one to glorify and karma does show up when you least expect it. Once you realize that, then you have to loook in the mirror and evaluate your worth. You do deserve someone to call your own and to be loved exclusively. Cut the cord!!! It will be difficult because it requires change and change is never easy . Change your number and if you can your address until you get enough strebgth to say no and mean no without a struggle. Spend time with yourself and cater to you. Break old habits by thoroughly checking to make sure the next erson you date is really single and let it be known up front that you don't and won't share. Set a higher standard my sister, yes it may take time but who cares, you deserve it. SAY NO TO BEING THE SIDE CHICK TODAY! Always remember....side chicks age too, he will settle down but it may not be with you.

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